There are plenty of great possibilities: To raise emotionally, spiritually and mentally mature adults. As a therapist I particularly like this one. To prepare them with the needed skills and tools to grow into all that God would have them. To help foster the giftedness God has put in them so that they can use it fully as adults. On and on this list can go. I doubt there is one 'right' answer for our vision of parenting our kids.
However, as we talked I remembered something I had read in a book for divorcee's entering into blended families. It went something like this:
The goal of parenting is to teach our children how to live in Christian community.I like this because it seems to summarize nearly all of my smaller goals I have already listed. In order to be a healthy part of a community it is necessary to develop into an emotionally, spiritually and mentally mature adult. Not only that, but it would require gaining the relational skills needed for interacting in meaningful relationships with others.
What would it be like for my family to function as a micro-community wherein they learned how to deal with relational hurts, confront and forgive others, humbly receive instruction and care, and function within an economy of grace and truth rather than shame and hiding?
Paul speaks often on how we are to relate within the church, with the church being the organic body of Jesus in and among us. Is it possible to teach my kids how to be a part of that body from a young age?
With this goal in mind, I can foster a home environment wherein there are 'many parts, but one body'. I can help my kids experience what it is to be unified and different, gifted in diverse and complementary ways, dynamically connected for the good of those we love as well as the world at large. This moves way past teaching my kids to obey and do right. Hopefully, this helps my kids grow into 'Jesus with skin on' by experiencing Christ in and among us right at home.